Enter and find out about migrant smuggling - transit safely through Colombia.Register and access information on migrant smuggling and its risks, reporting options and you will be able to process your voluntary departure.This application is managed by Migración Colombia and was designed within the framework of the National Strategy to Fight Migrant Trafficking (Decree 1692 / 2016) to promote regulated, orderly and safe migration in accordance with UN international standards.The administration of the mobile application, as well as the information that is registered in it, is the responsibility of Migración Colombia and will be treated in accordance with the data protection policies of said entity.This mobile application has been possible thanks to the financial contribution of the Office of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) of the Department of State of the United States and the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in this mobile application do not necessarily reflect the views of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and its donors.The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the donor, the US Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) do not assume or have any responsibility for the application or the information that is recorded in it.